Bournemouth, Health & Lifestyle | Posted on February 16th, 2021 | return to news
Bournemouth vaccination centre taking bookings for over-65s
Those aged 65 and over, are now able to book an appointment to be vaccinated against Covid-19 at Dorset’s large vaccination centre.

The centre is based in the Purbeck Hall of the Bournemouth International Centre and is played a key part in vaccinating those who fell into the first four priority groups – those aged over 70, people who are clinically extremely vulnerable and health and care staff.
Now the top four groups have been offered vaccinations, it is the turn of the over-65s. Anyone who has had a letter inviting them to be vaccinated can book directly, using their NHS number, on the national booking system – – or by ringing 119 if they don’t have access to the internet. Calls are free, and the line is open from 7am-11pm, seven days a week.
Once booked, you can find out all you need to know about attending the centre at
Dorset HealthCare service director, Kate Harvey, said, “Our large vaccination centre is part of a coordinated effort across health and care in Dorset to offer vaccinations in a range of ways and settings.
“The hard work and dedication of our staff has been incredible, with fantastic enthusiasm and support from local people – feedback shows a 97 per cent satisfaction rate from those who’ve had a vaccination at the BIC.
“We’re very much looking forward to welcoming our over-65s to the centre, with staff and volunteers from Community Action Network doing all they can to make it a positive experience.”
Local Dorset GP, and clinical lead for the Dorset Covid-19 vaccination programme, Dr Karen Kirkham, said, “We’ve made a really strong start in Dorset with a huge collective effort across health and care to vaccinate the first four priority groups of local people. More than 201,000 doses have been given so far, with 92 per cent of people aged over 80 to receiving at least one dose.
“Thank you to everyone who has played a part in the vaccination programme for Dorset – we are very proud of the way everyone has pulled together and is making a real difference for local people.”
People are being vaccinated in the priority order set out by the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation to ensure those most at risk are vaccinated first.
If you prefer not to travel to the Bournemouth vaccination centre you can contact your GP who can arrange your jab for you more locally.
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