Bournemouth, Dorchester, Health & Lifestyle | Posted on November 18th, 2021 | return to news
First ever Carers Dorset Festival to be held
Carers will be able to meet face to face or virtually at the Carers Dorset Festival, which takes place on 25 November, Carers Rights Day.

Dorset and BCP Councils are teaming up with a host of organisations for the first event of its kind.
There will also be two face-to-face events. One will be held at Dorset Museum in Dorchester, featuring a talk by Radio 2’s Johnnie Walker and his wife Tiggy, co-patrons of Carers UK, and one at the Kinson Community Centre in Bournemouth.
Carers who book onto the face-to-face events will also receive a goody bag (while stocks last) provided by the Leonardo Trust, an independent charity to help people in the county who care for a sick or disabled relative.
There are an estimated 80,000 unpaid carers in Dorset all providing help and support to someone who could not manage without them from personal care to providing practical support like shopping.
The keynote speaker for the day is vice president of Carers UK, Dame Philippa Russell, and there will be 30 digital events featuring topics including: advice and support; ideas about how to take a break; planning ahead; why register as an unpaid carer?; keeping safe at home; welfare benefits; mindfulness; triangle of care; connect with other unpaid carers and laughter session
There will resources to available to download and much more
The Carers Dorset Festival is sponsored by Dorset Council, Dorset Museum, BCP Council, The Leonardo Trust and Carer Support Dorset which are providing sessions along with Rethink, CRISP, Paragon, PramaLife, NHS, Dorset and Wiltshire Fire & Rescue Service, Dorset Mental Health Forum Carers Project, Pan-Dorset Carers Steering Group, CAiD (Citizens Advice in Dorset), Healthwatch Dorset, and Help and Kindness.
Cllr Peter Wharf, Dorset Council portfolio holder for Adult Social Care and Health, said: “Being a carer for someone can be an isolating experience, so this festival is a way of people being able to join others with shared experiences.
“A huge thank you to the guest speakers and all of the organisations giving up their time to make this festival happen. I hope it brings help and support to those who help and support others.”
To find out more about the sessions and to book your free place, visit
If you need help to get online, you can call the Digital Hotline in advance on 01305 221048. Digital Champions will also be on hand in many libraries across Dorset to help with access to the online events.
To book on to the Kinson Community Centre event please call CRISP, the carers support service for BCP council area: 01202 128787. The free event runs from 10am – 3pm and carers are welcome to attend for advice and support with lunch provided.
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