Crime | Posted on June 30th, 2021 | return to news
Free webinars about scams in July
The truth behind scams will be revealed by experts in this series of webinars organised by Dorset Police.
Dorset Police is organising four online webinars during July to expose the truths behind scams.
Free to attend they are open to anyone who would like to know more about scams, the psychology behind scams, prevention and how a fraud case is investigated.
The webinars bring together experts in their field relating to online fraud, a topic which we are all too familiar with and can affect anyone and everyone, as our lives are played out more digitally.
The dates of the webinars and their topics are as follows:
6 July, 5pm
Exploring the psychology behind scams and how scammers are so effective at their crimes presented by Paul Maskell, fraud and cyber crime prevention manager, Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit (DCPCU)
14 July, 5pm
Insights into how a fraud case is investigated and how not to be the next victim presented by Ben Hobbs, Detective Sergeant; and Catriona Still, head of fraud Prevention & Training, Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit (DCPCU)
23 July 5pm
Scams awareness training from the Friends Against Scams initiative presented by
The National Trading Standards Scams Team (NTSST)
30 July, 5pm
Don’t get hooked by scammers. What you need to know about flubot and phishing scams, presented by Christopher Budd, senior global threat communications manager, Avast
To register your place go to and click on the webinar that you wish to attend; you can attend all of them if you wish and so make sure that you complete the registration page for each of them.
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Tags: #cybercrime, #dorsetpolice, #fraudalert, #ScamAware