Crime | Posted on March 28th, 2022 | return to news
Help stamp out illegal puppy trade
‘Stop and Think’ before buying a puppy advises Dorset Council, a driving force for the prevention of illegal puppy breeding across the county.

Dorset Council’s Trading Standards and Environmental Health teams are working together to raise awareness of the multi-million-pound puppy breeding trade that is happening right under our noses.
Covid 19 has brought a significant increase in both the selling of illegal puppies and the cost of puppies. With more people working from home, dog ownership has become more attractive and easier. This very lucrative market means that puppies are being sold from unlicensed breeders, too often without any consideration of the welfare and environmental needs of the puppy.
An unlicensed puppy breeder is someone who does not have a dog breeding licence but who earns more than £1,000 per year from selling puppies.
Dorset Council has updated its website facilities to allow users to check if breeders are licensed, to report unlicensed breeders, and tips on knowing what to look for and check when buying a puppy, including:
- No puppy should be sold under the age of eight weeks and the puppy should be microchipped
- Always see the puppy with its mother
- Never buy/collect a puppy from service stations, pubs, car parks or any public area, the puppy should be in the home of the breeder.
- If your puppy is advertised with a ‘passport’ this could mean they’ve been imported
- Check whether your puppy has been vaccinated and has been socialised before you take them home
- Buying from an unlicensed breeder could mean that your puppy may not have the right medical records and could have hereditary health issues, which could lead to heavy vet bills in the future.
If you suspect dogs are being bred illegally then please report it to trading standards by calling the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133.
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