Eco & Environment | Posted on April 27th, 2021 | return to news
Sailors asked not to empty toilets close to shore
As people get back to sailing and boating, Litter Free Coast and Sea and Natural England are asking sailors to think about where they are going to the toilet.

Discharging your onboard toilet close to shore leads to bacterial contamination (E. coli), which affects bathing waters and aquaculture such as shellfish production.
Other effects include elevated nutrients which can lead to very dense green weed, affecting coastal birds by reducing the availability of shellfish and worms they feed on.
In addition, smelly, rotting seaweed can also affect our enjoyment of the harbour, not for just those on the water, but also for those living nearby.
A spokesperson for Litter Free Coast and Sea said: “We want to thank all those boaters and sailors who show their love for our harbour and use onshore toilets, install a holding tank, use sewage pump out facilities or, if they can’t do any of these, wait to flush at least three nautical miles offshore. Discharging untreated sewage from a boat in a harbour is extremely damaging and antisocial. It can create all kinds of problems and costs, from water quality to cleaning issues.”
Renowned British Sailor Dee Caffari agrees, and said: “As sailors we have a responsibility and a vested interest to protect the oceans from potential negative impacts of boating, we can all do our bit to ensure clean and healthy waters.”
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