Staff make sacrifices for Bournemouth Hospital Charity’s Lent Challenge
Over twenty RBCH Trust staff are giving up vices for 40 days as part of Bournemouth Hospital Charity’s ‘Lent Challenge’.

Hospital staff have been asked to sacrifice chocolate, crisps, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes or any other vice for 40 days and donate the amount of money that they save until 13 April to Bournemouth Hospital Charity.
“I’ve been meaning to try going chocolate-free for a while,” says ward host Kevin Holmes. “When I heard about the charity’s Lent Challenge, it seemed like a great way to give it all up for a bit and help support the hospital at the same time.
“A few of us on our ward are taking part and we’re having a right laugh teasing each other about not being able to enjoy coffee, crisps, chocolate – whatever it is.”