Bournemouth, Crime | Posted on July 21st, 2022 | return to news
Anti-social behaviour tackled in Bournemouth
Two days of action took place earlier this month by police in partnership with the BCP Council Anti-Social Behaviour Team.
Four people were arrested and alcohol being consumed in public was seized in Bournemouth during two days of action to combat anti-social behaviour.
Bournemouth Neighbourhood Policing Team in partnership with the BCP Council Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Team recently targeted hot spot areas identified by the community in the town centre and surrounding areas.
Multiple high visibility foot patrols were carried out between 11 and 12 July and staff at local businesses were provided reassurance of the work from multi agencies in the area and encouraged to continue reporting in order to act on their concerns.
In addition, BCP Community Safety Accredited Scheme Officers patrolled the area, recovering a suspected stolen bike.
Premises were visited that are causing anti-social behaviour to the community and proactive engagement with those affected resulted in further enforcement being explored. Officers provided immediate assistance to a resident in need of support due to ill health, ensuring that they had enough provisions whilst offering reassurance in this difficult time.
Cllr Bobbie Dove, portfolio holder for Community Safety and Regulatory Services, said: “This year there was an increase of £800,000 invested into our Community Safety team to ensure that those who work, live and visit the BCP area can do so without fear. This particular operation is just one of many that have been conducted by our ASB team and Dorset Police this year and I thank them for their continued ‘on the ground’ response in order to address the needs of our communities.
“We recognise that anti-social behaviour can have widespread negative consequences and we are working hard to combat behaviours which cause harassment, alarm and distress to our communities. This summer we are recruiting further Community Safety Accredited Officers who are employed by BCP Council and carry limited but targeted powers to address anti-social behaviours and low level crime. We have employed security to conduct patrols across our parks and other hot spots where there are reports of ASB and we are currently installing more CCTV across our towns such as in underpasses and at bus stops.
“This week also sees the launch of ASB awareness week and we urge all residents to take a look at our website where we have much more information on the many community events that we will be holding and also how we can work together to combat ASB.”
Superintendent Heather Dixey from Dorset Police said: “No organisation can handle all forms of ASB on its own so targeted operations like this one are incredibly important. Dorset Police is committed to dealing with ASB and we will continue to work closely with BCP Council and other agencies to make Bournemouth a safer place to live and work.
“ASB can have a significant impact on our communities and no one should be made to feel unsafe in their own neighbourhood. Introduced in 2021, Operation Relentless is our response to ASB in Dorset to show residents and visitors our commitment in tackling ASB. We want to empower communities to take the ‘anti’ away from anti-social.
“We encourage people to report incidents of anti-social behaviour involving loud, abusive, rowdy or intimidating alcohol-related behaviour, drug misuse and intimidating gangs of people to Dorset Police.”
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