Bournemouth, Charity, Christchurch, Poole | Posted on May 25th, 2021 | return to news
Apply for funds from the BH Coastal Lottery Small Grants Scheme
The deadline is 31 May, so small voluntary organisations in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole need to hurry to put in their applications.

Small voluntary organisations in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole have until 31 May to apply for funds from the BH Coastal Lottery Small Grants Scheme.
The BH Coastal Lottery – a weekly lottery – has been operating for just over two years and has raised £118,370 for their 108 active registered good causes. The BH Coastal Lottery Community Fund, which provides the revenue for the small grant scheme, has raised just over £72,400.60.
Residents can support the BH Coastal Lottery by buying tickets, which cost £1 each, with the chance to win cash prizes of up to £25,000. From every £1 ticket purchased, 60p will go to local good causes in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole. By providing 60 per cent of ticket sales directly to local good causes, BH Coastal Lottery provides a higher and more generous ticket percentage than many other lotteries.
Since the launch of the lottery, supporters have won a total of £47,225.00, and have also won prizes including a digital entertainment bundle and two holiday breaks in a luxury beach lodge.
BH Coastal Lottery has already awarded £37,208.42 in small grants, which included emergency response grants during the first lockdown to support the provision of provide essential services to those most in need.
Projects which have been helped include: one-to-one support and community groups for vulnerable children; helping adults with learning difficulties into paid or voluntary work; creating the first ever Asian radio show in Bournemouth and debt and money management advice.
Cllr Jane Kelly, lead member for engagement said: “We are indebted to the generous residents who are supporting local good causes by buying tickets for the BH Coastal Lottery. This valuable support for the voluntary sector has enabled many projects helping those in the greatest of need to be made possible as a result of the funding from the lottery.”
The grant scheme is open to small voluntary and community organisations with an income of less than £50,000 per year. The Small Grants scheme application form and eligibility criteria can be found at
More information about the BH Coastal Lottery can be found at:
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