Eco & Environment, Poole | Posted on April 1st, 2023 | return to news
Oil spill continues to threaten wildlife in Poole Harbour
Oil deposits have washed up on Brownsea Island as the pipeline leakage in Poole Harbour continues to threaten wildlife.

Dorset Wildlife Trust has confirmed that following the oil spill from the Perenco pipeline in Poole Harbour, there are reports of oil deposits washing up on the west and north shorelines on Brownsea Island.
Brian Bleese, chief executive of the trust said on 30 March: “Whilst we were initially encouraged and reassured by the action taken to contain the oil spill, it would appear that the containment has not been fully effective and the news that the pipeline is still leaking fluids is very worrying. It is now a matter of urgency that Perenco commit to deploying more resources to clean up the oil before it has a potentially devastating impact on the bird breeding season. We will not have a full picture of the damage caused to wildlife for weeks, if not months.”
Since issuing this statement, however, Dorset Wildlife Trust has spoken to Poole Harbour Commissioners for an update.
Brian Bleese said on 31 March: “We have asked Poole Harbour Commissioners for further information on this and they have categorically assured us that the pipeline is no longer leaking and they are very happy with the containment measures that have been put in place.”
The concerns for wildlife still remain during the sensitive time for many seabirds gathering and foraging for food in preparation for the breeding season.
“We are also particularly concerned about the shellfish and mollusc populations which feed by filtering seawater and whole populations of fish species which could be contaminated by the pollution, in turn affecting seabirds and seals,” said Mr Bleese.
Dorset Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers are continuing to closely monitor wildlife on the Brownsea lagoon and the shorelines for oil deposits and liaising with PHC to raise concerns and appropriate actions.
Visitors to the area are asked to follow the safety advice issued by PHC and not to enter the water around Poole Harbour. If members of the public discover any wildlife affected by the oil spill, please contact PHC directly by email:
Poole Harbour is an internationally important wetland and Special Protection Area (SPA), which is a haven for wildlife including Sandwich terns, avocets and oyster catchers.
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